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Ramadan and Fasting Q&As »
23rd night of Ramadhan   ،   Special Supplications and performings for 23rd nigh
In addition to common performings and supplications of Qadr nights the followings are special performing for the 23rd night of Ramadhan – The most probably Qadr night

In the Name of Allah the most Beneficent the most Merciful


In addition to common performings and supplications of Qadr nights the followings are special performing for the 23rd night of Ramadhan – The most probably Qadr night
a- Persist on Ghusl (Islamic bath) . Narrated by Barid-ibn-Moa’vieh that he told “I saw Imam Jafar-al-Sadiq (a.s) performed Ghusl on 23rd night of Ramadhan, once at the beginning of the night and another time at the end of the night.”
b- Persist on holding vigil until down
1- Narrated by Imam Ali (a.s) that he told “ The Allah’s messenger was packing his bed for last 10 days of Ramadhan and put on a waist and on 23rd night, was keeping his family awake and even spreading water on face of those were sleepy to keep them awake.”
2- In Da’aem-al-Islam has mentioned: Fatima (a.s) avoiding her family to sleep on 23rd night and helping them by feeding less food to help them to overcome to the sleepiness and preparing herself for night from the day and telling “Deprived is the one who loosing the graces of this night.”
3- In Al-Iqbal has mentioned narrated by Jamil , Husham and Hafth that “Imam Sadiq (a.s) get hard illness. As the 23rd night came, he ordered his slaves to carry him to the mosque and stayed there whole night.”
c- Persist on praying the 100 rak’at prayer
There are narrations about the prayer:
1- It has narrated that Imam Baqir (a.s) said: if anyone holds vigil the 23rd night  until dawn and prays 100 rak’at on that, Allah will make his life easy and will keep his enemy’s affair responsibility, will keep him of sinking, theft, entrapped under the collapse and keeps him of the evil and the panic of “Nakie va Monkar” angels and he will be gathered while his glory laminates and will give him his file on his right hand and will determined to be escaped from the hell and the “Sirat” bridge. He will enter the paradise with no calculation and will be the neighbor of the Prophet and Martyrs and Righteous, and what a pleasant neighbous.
2- Narrated that Imam Jafar al Sadiq told: it is recommended to pray 100 rak’at prayer and in each rak’at after “Hamd” chapter 10 times “Surah” chapter
d- Persist to recite Ziarat of Imam Hussein (a.s)
e- Reciting chapters “Al Ankaboot” , “Rome” and “Dukhan” of the holy Quran
It has narrated that Imam Jafar – al-Sadiq has told to Abu Basir:”whomever recites the Al-Ankaboot and Rome on 23rd night of Ramadhan, I swear to God he will be reside of paradise and I put no exception for anyone and has no fear that Allah will consider any sin for me to this swear. These two chapters have specific place for Allah

f- Reciting the Al-Qadr Chapter of holy Quran one thousand times.
g- Supplications for Imam Mahdi (aj.)’s advent

انتهای پیام

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