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Report of mid Sha’ban celebrating ceremonies in Imam Hussein (a.s) mosque
Report of mid Sha’ban celebrating ceremonies in Imam Hussein (a.s) mosque


In the name of Allah the compassionate the merciful

On arrival of birth day of promised Mahdi (aj) ,his lovers held three nights of celebration and ceremonies.
The Imam Hussein (a.s)’s mosque as the main center for tribute the respect of Shia Muslims toward ahl-al-bait (a.s) put on the glory floodlight to show the happiness for the birth anniversary of the twelve’s Imam the promised Mahdi (aj).
Some of the lovers of ahl-al-bait participate in the celebration by offering sweets and candy to everybody in yard of the mosque.

The eve of the 14th of Sha’ban
The ceremony started by recites of “Dua al-faraj” and Mr. Jazani the panegyrist, had his poems after that. The attendants were following the play and made a very spiritual atmosphere.
Then Hojat-al-Islam Tabatabaei Shirazi had his speech on greatness of the Mid of Sha’ban and compared it with the Qadr nights.
Then Ahl-albait panegyrist Mr. Khoddami played some poem and attendants accompanied him. 

The second night of celebration in Imam Hussein (a.s) Mosque
Faithful prayers performed their congressional prayer by Ayatollah Madani and listened to his brief speech and the recommendations of the eve.
The recite of some versus of holy Qur’an made audiences get ready for the rest of the programs.
The moderator announced the brief of the programs and then draw to _select the winners among the 13th book readers competition took place.
Then Mr. Tabatabaei who is one of the great teachers of Iranian schools invited to recite some of his poems for the occasion.
After that, Hojat-al-Islam Tabatabei had his valuable words and speech on specifications of the eve and Mahdi (a.s).  
The next was the panegyrist of Ahl-al-bayt (a.s) Mr. Khod’dami to perform his program and he read some poems and made audience cheerful. He was accompanied by the audiences to create a spiritual atmosphere in Imam Hussein (a.s) house.
The next was draw among those who has the same name of Hojat-ibn-al Hassan al Askari and ladies in the name of his mother or aunt and 20 people _selected and got their prizes.
Then the guests were hosted by graceful table of Seyed-al-Shohada (a.s) and served dinner.
In continue faithful prayers start their supplications and recommended prayers of the eve.

The third eve of the celebration ceremonies
The third eve started by reading some poems on greatness of Hojat-ibn-al Hassan al Askari by Mr. Golchin the head of the Iranian schools in UAE.
After that the audiences used the speech of Hojat-al-Islam Tabatabei shirazi which explained the barriers of meeting Hojat-ibn-al Hassan al Askari. Then Mr. Khod’dami the panegyrist of Ahl-al-Bayt like other nights cheered audience by his poems and create spiritual ceremony.
The closing program
Presenting gifts to those holding name of Hojat-ibn-al Hassan al Askari like Mahdi, Hoj’jat, or for ladies holding names of Narjes , Melika or Hakima.
The celebration ceremonies for respect of the Mid of Sha’ban for the length of three nights which held in Imam Hussein (a.s) mosque in Dubai, ended by Faraj supplication to pray for his early movement.
Everybody was gust for the dinner at the end of each night at graceful table of Imam Hussein (a.s).
Wish to be the last year of celebration while he is absent.