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Eid of Mab’ath
Celebration Ceremony on the occasion of Eid of Mab’ath


There was ceremony in Imam Hussein (a.s) Mosque to celebrate the Mab’ath of the Prophet (P.B.U.H). In this event which was attended by resident Muslims of UAE, the Panegyrists of Ah-Ul-Bait, Haj Baqeri and Haj Khod’dami recite their poems.
Poetry on Virtue of The best creature of the God, Mohammad Musftafa (P.B.U.H) was the next program and at the end Hojat-Ul-Islam Haj Moslemi had his speech.
Attendants in the ceremony were hosted by serving sweet and dinner.

Imam Hussein (a.s) Mosque - Dubai

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