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Puberty ceremony
Towhid Girls School’s students celebrate their puberty ceremony in Imam Hussein (a.s) Mosque


Towhid Girls School’s students celebrate their puberty ceremony in Imam Hussein (a.s) Mosque
In the name of God
Report of worship celebration ceremony of students in Imam Hussein (a.s) Mosque.
3rd grade students of educational institute of Towhid Girls school celebrated their reaching to puberty age by attending in Imam Hussein (a.s) Mosque.
This spiritual get together happened on Monday 23rd April 2012, by reciting some verses of Holly Quran and followed by singing anthems and playing the “Hijab” drama by the students. After that they presented some Quran messages and Ahl-Al-Beit Hadith and did the Chorus reciting of Quran and spread the spiritual fragrance in the atmosphere. Then they did the chorus swear of worship all together.
Hojat-al-Islam Ramedhani, taught religious issues to the students by playing variety of attractive programs and made them remind this memorial day. Then Ayatollah Madani, greeted the day and gifted students by presents. The students prayed their first congregation prayer with supreme leader’s representative and after prayer serve the lunch which was prepared.
“Happy their worship!”  
Imam Hussein (a.s) Mosque - Dubai

Photo Gallery of the Ceremony